In this tutorial, we will understand how to integrate Blockonomics Payments API in Node.js using expressCart.
Source Code ![]() | |
Youtube Video![]() | |
Tech Stack
- Node.js
- MongoDB
Setting Up
- Complete the expressCart installation here
Enabling Blockonomics as a Payment Option
To enable Blockonomics, you need to configure the settings. Firstly provide your API Key and other details as mentioned here. Then, to enable it as a payment option, go to config/settings.json
and add blockonomics
in the paymentGateway
"paymentGateway": [
Adding New Store in Blockonomics
To start using Blockonomics in your project, you have to create a new store by navigating to the Merchant’s Page. When you create a new store, you specify the HTTP CallBack URL
. In this case, the HTTP CallBack URL
will be <your-cart-url>/blockonomics/checkout_return

Understanding the Code
Payment Routes
Each payment gateway has a separate section in lib/payments
and thus, for blockonomics, we can find the routes at lib/payments/blockonomics.js
. There are three different routes, namely
/checkout_cancel => cancel the current transaction and return to checkout page
/checkout_return => HTTP Callback Endpoint provided to blockonomics
/checkout_action => Endpoint that creates new address, set prices, insert order into database
Whenever you click on the button Pay with Bitcoin
, this route is called and we fetch the current rate and new address using blockonomics APIs that you specified in the config. After getting the details, we create an order in the database with the default status of the order as Pending. The status will be updated only in the HTTP Callback URL route.'/checkout_action', (req, res, next) => {
const blockonomicsConfig = getPaymentConfig('blockonomics');
const config =;
const db =;
const blockonomicsParams = {};
// get current rate
.get(blockonomicsConfig.hostUrl + blockonomicsConfig.priceApi + config.currencyISO)
.then((response) => {
blockonomicsParams.expectedBtc = Math.round(req.session.totalCartAmount / * Math.pow(10, 8)) / Math.pow(10, 8);
// get new address
.post(blockonomicsConfig.hostUrl + blockonomicsConfig.newAddressApi, {}, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'blockonomics', Accept: 'application/json', Authorization: `Bearer ${blockonomicsConfig.apiKey}` } })
.then((response) => {
blockonomicsParams.address =;
blockonomicsParams.timestamp = Math.floor(new Date() / 1000);
// create order with status Pending and save ref
const orderDoc = {
orderPaymentId: blockonomicsParams.address,
orderPaymentGateway: 'Blockonomics',
orderExpectedBtc: blockonomicsParams.expectedBtc,
orderTotal: req.session.totalCartAmount,
orderShipping: req.session.totalCartShipping,
orderItemCount: req.session.totalCartItems,
orderProductCount: req.session.totalCartProducts,
orderCustomer: getId(req.session.customerId),
orderEmail: req.session.customerEmail,
orderCompany: req.session.customerCompany,
orderFirstname: req.session.customerFirstname,
orderLastname: req.session.customerLastname,
orderAddr1: req.session.customerAddress1,
orderAddr2: req.session.customerAddress2,
orderCountry: req.session.customerCountry,
orderState: req.session.customerState,
orderPostcode: req.session.customerPostcode,
orderPhoneNumber: req.session.customerPhone,
orderComment: req.session.orderComment,
orderStatus: 'Pending',
orderDate: new Date(),
orderProducts: req.session.cart,
orderType: 'Single'
db.orders.insertOne(orderDoc, (err, newDoc) => {
// get the new ID
const newId = newDoc.insertedId;
// add to lunr index
.then(() => {
// set the order ID in the session, to link to it from blockonomics payment page
blockonomicsParams.pendingOrderId = newId;
req.session.blockonomicsParams = blockonomicsParams;
/ checkout_return
Whenever Blockonomics sends a status update about any transaction, this route gets called. The four things that we get from the GET request are:
const status = req.query.status || -1; // status of transaction
const address = req.query.addr || 'na'; // btc address
const amount = (req.query.value || 0) / 1e8; // the amount in btc
const txid = req.query.txid || 'na'; // transaction id
The status of 2 means the transaction is confirmed and you have successfully received the money. So, after the status is 2, make sure that you cross-check the amount the sender sends and the amount you expect the sender to send. You can always choose to expect 90-95% of the original price to be received because of the network fees. Finally, we update the status of this transaction inside our database. Please note that here we are using a bitcoin address to uniquely identify a given order. Thus, using a different bitcoin address by calling our new address API
every time you want to create new order is required.
router.get('/checkout_return', async (req, res, next) => {
const db =;
const config =;
const status = req.query.status || -1;
const address = req.query.addr || 'na';
const amount = (req.query.value || 0) / 1e8;
const txid = req.query.txid || 'na';
if(Number(status) === 2){
// we are interested only in final confirmations
const order = await db.orders.findOne({ orderPaymentId: address });
if(amount >= order.orderExpectedBtc){
await db.orders.updateOne({
_id: order._id },
{ $set: { orderStatus: 'Paid', orderReceivedBtc: amount, orderBlockonomicsTxid: txid }
}, { multi: false });
// if approved, send email etc
// set payment results for email
const paymentResults = {
message: 'Your payment was successfully completed',
messageType: 'success',
paymentEmailAddr: order.orderEmail,
paymentApproved: true,
paymentDetails: `<p><strong>Order ID: </strong>${order._id}</p><p><strong>Transaction ID: </strong>${order.orderPaymentId}</p>`
// send the email with the response
// TODO: Should fix this to properly handle result
sendEmail(req.session.paymentEmailAddr, `Your payment with ${config.cartTitle}`, getEmailTemplate(paymentResults));
res.status(200).json({ err: '' });
}catch(ex){'Error updating status success blockonomics', ex);
res.status(200).json({ err: 'Error updating status' });
}'Amount not sufficient blockonomics', address);
await db.orders.updateOne({
_id: order._id },
{ $set: { orderStatus: 'Declined', orderReceivedBtc: amount }
}, { multi: false });
}catch(ex){'Error updating status insufficient blockonomics', ex);
res.status(200).json({ err: 'Amount not sufficient' });
res.status(200).json({ err: 'Order not found' });'Order not found blockonomics', address);
res.status(200).json({ err: 'Payment not final' });'Payment not final blockonomics', address);
Blockonomics Websocket
If you go to public\javascripts\expressCart.js
then on line number 549, you can see the blockonomics WebSocket in action. The WebSocket helps us to get the status update of transactions so that we can navigate from the checkout page to the order confirmation page. Please note that order confirmation simply means that the order has been successfully placed and it should not guarantee that the order payment has been successfully received. Such guarantees can only be made after the status of the transaction becomes 2.
We can choose the timer, how much time we want to give to the customer to make the payments, by default it is set to 10 mins.
// checkout-blockonomics page (blockonomics_payment route) handling START ***
if($('#blockonomics_div').length > 0){
var orderid = $('#blockonomics_div').data('orderid') || '';
var address = $('#blockonomics_div').data('address') || '';
var blSocket = new WebSocket('wss://' + address);
blSocket.onopen = function (msg){
var timeOutMinutes = 10;
setTimeout(function (){
$('#blockonomics_waiting').html('<b>Payment expired</b><br><br><b><a href=\'/checkout/payment\'>Click here</a></b> to try again.<br><br>If you already paid, your order will be processed automatically.');
showNotification('Payment expired', 'danger');
}, 1000 * 60 * timeOutMinutes);
var countdownel = $('#blockonomics_timeout');
var endDatebl = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + 1000 * 60 * timeOutMinutes);
var blcountdown = setInterval(function (){
var now = new Date().getTime();
var distance = endDatebl - now;
if(distance < 0){
var minutes = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));
var seconds = Math.floor((distance % (1000 * 60)) / 1000);
countdownel.html(minutes + 'm ' + seconds + 's');
}, 1000);
blSocket.onmessage = function (msg){
var data = JSON.parse(;
if((data.status === 0) || (data.status === 1) || (data.status === 2)){
// redirect to order confirmation page
var orderMessage = '<br>View <b><a href="/payment/' + orderid + '">Order</a></b>';
$('#blockonomics_waiting').html('Payment detected (<b>' + data.value / 1e8 + ' BTC</b>).' + orderMessage);
showNotification('Payment detected', 'success');
$.ajax({ method: 'POST', url: '/product/emptycart' }).done(function (){
window.location.replace('/payment/' + orderid);
// checkout-blockonomics page (blockonomics_payment route) handling *** END
Customizing ExpressCart
We can very easily customize the checkout page or the entire expressCart to make our own brand out of it. In this example, we are going to customize two things:
First, the message that is shown just above the timer. We can find this line at views\themes\Cloth\checkout-blockonomics.hbs

<ul class="list-group bottom-pad-15">
<li class="list-group-item">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-12" id="blockonomics_waiting" style="text-align:center;">
Waiting for payment<br>
<strong><span id="blockonomics_timeout">10m 0s</span></strong> left<br>
<img src="/images/spinner.gif">
We can change it to anything that we want.
Second, we are going to place a button on the order confirmation page. This button will redirect the user to the blockonomics page. The order confirmation page is at views\themes\Cloth\payment-complete-blockonomics.hbs
<div class="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-sm-12 top-pad-50">
<div class="row">
<div class="text-center col-md-10 offset-md-1">
<h2 class="text-success">Thank you. Order have been received.</h2>
<p><h5>Order will be be processed upon confirmation by the bitcoin network. Please keep below order details for reference.</h5></p>
<p><strong>{{ @root.__ "Order ID" }}:</strong> {{result._id}}</p>
<p><strong>{{ @root.__ "Payment ID" }}:</strong> {{result.orderPaymentId}}</p>
<a href="/" class="btn btn-outline-warning">Home</a>
<a href="" class="btn btn-outline-success">Accept bitcoin payments on your website today</a>